The Media & Public Relations Ministry is an outward voice for our parish, the Archdiocese of Mobile, and our faith. Our voice can be heard and/or seen through any and every means of communication where/when applicable. Through this voice we convey the message of our Lord and Savior.

Continuous projects: Weekly Bulletins, Parish Sign, Greg Cyprian Santa's Calling, Monthly Ads, Digital Forms and fliers.

Completed projects: WiFi in the hall, WiFi extender in the Church, Pastor & Nun Portrait Wall of Fame in the Hall, Church Website, St Joseph's Facebook, St.josephmaysville IG, and StJosephMaysvil Twitter, Kwanzaa with Vivian's Door, Breakfast with Santa, French Quarter Fest.

Upcoming projects: Picture Directory, Family Portrait Fundraiser & Directory, Church App, Resume Mass Recording, Video Project, Cultural Sculpture Project, Church T-Shirt Fundraiser.

Click here for Website Submission Guidelines!

The Media & Public Relations Ministry meets every First Thursday of the month via Google Meet.

Contact Tiffany J. Barnes for more information about this ministry.

Media & Public Relations

St. Joseph Parish, Maysville

Mobile, AL

​2025 Jubilee Year

Providing a Beacon of Hope in the Maysville Community since 1930