St. Joseph Parish, Maysville
Mobile, AL
Providing a Beacon of Hope in the Maysville Community since 1930
1. Altar Servers: Derrick Hawthorne Sr.
2. Altar Society*:
3. Bereavement: Pamela Barnes
4. Building & Grounds Manager: Walter Frazier
5. Choir Director: Lillie Key
6. Finance Chair: Robert Pettaway
7. Hospitality/Ushers: Sharon Malone
8. Liturgy Ruth Pettaway
9. Media/Public Relations Tiffany J. Barnes
10. Parish Council: Yolanda Long
12. RCIA: Deacon Ronnie Hathorne
13. Religious Education Director: Marva Carter
14. St Joseph School Alumni: Shawn Bivens
15. Stewardship: Keith Brewer
16. Youth Ministry Tara Evans & Marshae DuCloux
Consult Your Parish Directory for Ministry Chair Contact Information
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